Brilliant Tots

Babywear Tips & Tricks To Beat The Heat

By December 25, 2020 No Comments

With the weather taking a turn for the worst, it can be quite a challenge dressing our little ones to beat the sweltering heat. Babies can overheat just as fast as they get chilly so bundling them up in clothes is out of the question when the sun’s a-blazing. The simplest way to tell if your little one is too hot or too cold is by feeling the nape of their neck for sweat or cold to the touch. When babies feel warm, you’ll notice flushed cheeks and, they may be covered in sweat. If your little one is overheated, they will have difficulties breathing, which will cause them to breathe at a rapid pace. Fret not for OETEO is here with tips and tricks on dressing your little to beat the heat.

Lightweight & Breathable Clothes

When shopping for your little one, be on a lookout for loose-fitting clothes and ones that are made out of lightweight, breathable materials. Fabrics made out of natural fibres such as muslin or cotton serve better in the warmer temperatures compared to synthetic fabrics like rayon and polyester. Select a size larger than your little one’s usual size, this allows air to move through their clothes which will help cool them down.

Mittens & Socks Are A No-No!

Skip socks and mittens on warmer days. They’re great for keeping your baby warm but can easily be the culprit for causing your little one to overheat. Wearing socks and mittens in warm weathers can cause discomfort but, with your little bundle of joy not being able to speak yet; you’ll have to look out for signs. If you notice their feet and hands are sweaty after removing their mittens and socks, keep them off and only have them worn on chilly days.

Onesies Are The Way To Go

Even at night with the sun out of the way, overheating can still occur. Avoid swaddling your little one in a blanket and heaping on a pile of clothes on your baby, opt for a onesie instead. Onesies designed with light, breathable fabric are ideal to leave your little one in immense comfort all day. Babies are more prone to skin allergies in warmer temperatures, with bacteria thriving in moist and hot weathers. It’s of dire importance that the clothing your little one wears does not irritate their skin; with that being said, look for onesies that are made out of soft and fine cotton which will keep both rashes and the heat at bay.

Like Mother, Like Daughter

The general rule on dressing your little one to beat the heat is to dress them exactly like how you would dress. Just as you would adjust your dressing throughout the day, or according to the weather; do the same for your little one. If you happen to be wearing a T-shirt and a pair of shorts, your baby can wear the exact same outfit. If you bring along a jacket for yourself, bring one for your little one as well; you can never predict the weather. Check out the weather forecast on your local news before you head out so you and your little one can be ready for any weather Mother Nature brings.

Short Sleeves & Sunscreen

Opt for T-shirts and onesies that are short-sleeved rather than ones that are long-sleeved whether indoors or outdoors. Short-sleeved tops are great for keeping your little one cool when having to go outdoors in warmer weathers. Don’t forget sunscreen! Now, little ones under 6 months should not wear sunscreen; with their skin being so delicate, we’d want as little to no product coming in contact with their skin. However, if you find your baby that is under 6 months having to be in the sun quite a bit then look for baby-safe sunscreens; remember to avoid slathering your baby with sunscreen, a little amount goes a long way.


Help your little one beat the heat with accessories. Hats are perfect for keeping the sun from glaring into your baby’s eyes. Beanies are a big no-no in warmer weathers as they can easily cause overheating and does absolutely nothing to keep the sun out of their face, opt for a hat that comes with a 3–5 inch brim. Have your little one put on a pair of baby-safe sunglasses to keep out the sun’s harmful rays. Be sure to pick out a pair that covers your baby’s eyes entirely and that protects from UV rays.

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